Have you ever walked into someone’s yard and got your breath taken away? Have you ever walked into a garden and the scent just made you appreciate God’s handiwork. The beautiful blooms rosemary scents. The beautiful view at sunset as the blooms glow with a tinge of sunlight is just too good not to witness. You can have this at your own house too despite having a small yard.

It is confirmed that for most plants, autumn is the best planting time. The weather will not be too hot and the soil will not be too dry therefore it is easier for plants to grow. Cool mornings and evenings plus warm afternoons make it the best plant growing weather.  The greatest thing about autumn is that mulch will be readily available thus locking in moisture and providing necessary warmth and nutrients (as the much decays) to new plants as. It is not recommended to use fertilizer on new plants making manure the best alternative for providing nutrients. As for edible plants, manure is the best as it enhances their taste and is cost effective as well. This however depends on the plants you want to have in your garden.

During autumn garden work is not strenuous because the sun will not be blazing hot like it is in summer, the soil is not as dry and the temperatures of the soil are just right. This means less watering and since there is plenty of mulch, the moisture is not easily lost. It is always essential to first find out the type of soil in your garden and its pH levels and research on plants that will grow well in your climate and in each season. This research will also help you to know which plants need more exposure to the sun and which ones need more shade. Plants like roses which have beautiful scents need to be planted where the wind usually blows from so that it carries this scent to people passing by.

New plants need frequent and deep watering, not many chemicals and a lot of nitrogen which can be found in composted manure. However for heavy nitrogen feeders you will have to add fertilizer as they grow. Research about how to maintain the plants you want to have in your garden so that they remain beautiful and at their best. There are also drought resistant plants for those who do not like watering the garden frequently. Remember though, that they do need water maybe not as frequent as the other plants but they do need it. Water them from time to time and during hot weather water them a bit more. Some plants cannot survive extremely cold weather and in this case it is better to plant after winter and not in autumn.

Once your bushes and trees grow, prune them as recommended to encourage fruit and flower bearing.  Use fertilizer but not more than is necessary and aerate the soil around your plants. Know which plants to plant together and which ones to plant far apart. If they are flowers also consider how the color patterns will come out.

Take note that a well taken care of garden will reflect God’s art work which is breathtaking. Happy gardening!

Picture Credit: LongWood Gardens

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