Both remodeling and renovating mean to make improvements on an existing building or home. However, they refer to two slightly different types of construction. To renovate is to restore a building to a good state or to refresh a building’s look. To remodel is to alter the structure or form of the building. Remodelling has its own pros and cons and the same is true for renovating, in this article we touch on both so you know which option is for you.

Renovating is done so that a building always looks new and just built, if you have had kids writing on your walls you know what i mean. This will mean repainting is required which is renovating. At times renovation is needed where cabinets are now outdated. When one steps into your house they will know your house was built 30 years back due to its outlook and how it is furnished. This may prompt the need for renovations so that your house looks refreshed and morden. Repainting is the most common renovation people do as well as changing cabinet faces and flooring anew.

Remodelling however is usually done so a building looks like a totally different space altogether. Even the use of space can be changed when remodelling for instance a bedroom being transformed into a lounge or tv room. Remodelling involves also electric, plumbing as well as construction costs making it more expensive than a renovating. The open plan concept has become a trend that even adds to the value of the house which is another reason why people remodel. Therefore remodelling can also be done in order to add value or in response to changes and prevailing trends.

Therefore the major differences between remodelling and renovating are costs, structural or floor plan changes, the work needed and the materials involved.

At Homefill we are professional and so know what you will need and how much work is to be done. This makes it easier for you to renovate or remodel with ease. So for a renovation or remodel, do get in touch with us!

Picture Credit: Pinterest

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